Artificial grass in Aliso Viejo, CA

Artificial grass in Aliso Viejo, CA

Artificial grass in Aliso Viejo, CA

In Spanish, aliso means alder, and viejo means old. Alder is a type of tree that’s used to make musical instruments. So the town name, Aliso Viejo, can be translated into English as Old Alder Tree. Founded in the 1980s as a master planned community, developers had a mission to make it so residents didn’t have to make long commutes. That’s why every single home in Aliso Viejo is positioned less than a mile from the business part. If you want to take your home or business property to the next level, and enjoy all the perks of a low-maintenance lawn, then consider getting artificial grass from Magic Turf. It’s the ideal choice for all kinds of residential and commercial outdoor spaces including putting greens, playgrounds, apartment complexes, pet areas, and regular front and backyards.

Low maintenance

How much time and money are you spending maintaining your outdoor space in Aliso Viejo? Are you sweating every weekend as you mow, water, seed, weed, and otherwise take care of your lawn? Skip all the hassles of natural grass and upgrade to artificial grass from Magic Turf. It requires so much less maintenance! You’ll just have to turn on the sprinkler or put a hose on it every once in awhile to rinse away any debris that may have accumulated, and brush any high traffic areas periodically, and you’ll be good to go. It really is that easy to maintain artificial grass. You’re going to love it!

What about costs?

We’d be happy to provide you with a free estimate for your new artificial grass in Aliso Viejo. Just call Magic Turf and (888) 364-8873 and we’ll discuss your artificial grass options with you and provide you with a free custom estimate.

Not sure you can afford artificial grass right now? Don’t worry! We offer financing through the Hero Program, Ygrene Energy Fund, and Renew Financial. It’s definitely a worthwhile investment that you’ll be so glad you made!

Always looks great in Aliso Viejo

Tired of working so hard to maintain your natural grass, but it still develops faded spots, patchy areas, and mud? Enjoy vibrant, lush grass 365 days a year with artificial grass from Magic Turf. Our durable grass is from top manufacturer TigerTurf, which has specially designed artificial grass for maximum beauty. Our expert installers make sure every inch of your outdoor area in Aliso Viejo looks fantastic. You’ll say “wow” every day you see your artificial grass, and you’ll always feel good about the way it looks when you go with Magic Turf. Impress guests, clients, and other visitors with artificial grass from Magic Turf.

The Green Choice in Aliso Viejo

Artificial grass requires no watering or fertilization, so it’s the most eco-friendly option compared to natural grass. It’s also free of pollen and other allergens so you can finally hang out with friends and family members outside without worrying about pesky allergy symptoms.

Call Magic Turf at (888) 364-8873 to request your free estimate in Aliso Viejo today!

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